Why Olympia LTD

Smart investors, made smarter with every trade

If you’re passionate about investing, you’re in the right place. From experienced associates to industry-leading education and technology, we provide the knowledge you need to become an even smarter investor.

More investment options. More opportunities to grow.

Get access to stocks, bonds & CDs, options, non-proprietary mutual funds, futures, forex, commission-free ETFs*, and more to stay diversified and ready to take advantage of a wider range of opportunities.

Commission-free trades are everywhere. Smarter investors are here.

Value is so much more than a price tag. With Olympia LTD, not only can you trade commission-free online, but you get access to all our platforms and products with no deposit minimums, trading minimums, or hidden fees.

Powerful, intuitive platforms for every kind of investor

Whether you are actively trading or investing for the long term, our platforms are filled with innovative tools and features to give you everything you need to make smarter, more informed decisions. No matter which platform you choose, you can research stocks, place trades, and manage your portfolio with knowledge backed by live-streaming CNBC, real-time quotes and specialists with years of experience.

Education on your terms

Knowledge is your most valuable asset. That’s why we built a one-of-its kind AI-powered experience designed to help you grow as an investor with content tailored to your own personal investing goals and needs.

Discerning analysis starts with a depth of research and insight

Make informed trades with an incredible depth of data and insights from reputed independent third parties like Morningstar, CFRA (Formerly S&P Capital IQ), and TheStreet.

Knowledgeable support when you need it

Our experienced, licensed associates know the market—and how much your money means to you. It’s this foundation that makes them so committed to helping you better understand the market so you can make the best financial decisions for your future.

Understanding your relationship with Olympia LTD

Your relationship with Olympia LTD is very important to us. That’s why we encourage you to review our simple, easy-to-read client relationship summaries and disclosures – describing everything from the types of services and products we offer, to the fees, costs and any associated conflicts of interest. It’s all part of how we keep your needs top of mind in everything we do.

Ready to get started? Open an account today.