Security Issue

What to do if you suspect a security issue

Know the online threats


Contact us right away

Our Client Services representatives are trained to help you. If you suspect you have have been a victim of identity theft, or if you receive email that appears to come from us and is asking for personal information or claiming to know the status of your account, please contact us. We can provide assistance, including help with closing your account and opening a new one, should this be necessary.


Credit bureaus and other resources

If you believe you have been a victim of identity theft you should contact the three credit bureaus listed below to place a fraud alert on your credit. A fraud alert prohibits new credit from being established without your approval. Additionally, request a credit report from each bureau. Review each report carefully for any errors or unexplained items and confirm all personal information. Check back by ordering a new credit report periodically (sometimes problems don’t show up right away).

  • Equifax

    • Visit Equifax online
    • Report fraud: 800-525-6285
    • Order a credit report: 800-685-1111
    • P.O. Box 740241
    • Atlanta, GA 30374-0241

  • Experian

    • Visit Experian online
    • Report fraud: 888-397-3742
    • Order a credit report: 888-397-3742
    • P.O. Box 1017
    • Allen, TX 75013-0949

  • TransUnion

    • Visit TransUnion online
    • Report fraud: 800-680-7289
    • Order a credit report: 800-916-8800
    • Fraud Victim Assistance Department
    • P.O. Box 6790
    • Fullerton, CA 92834

Help prevent unauthorized use

Make sure to contact every fraud department for all accounts to prevent unauthorized use. Fill out any applicable forms or send them an ID Theft affidavit, available on the Federal Trade Commission’s Web site.


File a police report

Identity theft is a crime. A police report can act as proof to your creditors that you are not at fault.



File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

File a complaint form on the FTC’s Web site. When you file this form, the FTC will investigate your situation and respond. You can also report fraud over the phone by calling the toll-free Identity Theft Hotline at 877-ID-THEFT or 877-438-4338.



Fill out an ID Theft Affidavit

Fill out the ID Theft Affidavit, available on the FTC’s Web site, and send it to your creditors to help ensure that you are not held responsible for fraudulent charges made to your account. Some creditors require their own form, so check with each to find out what they need.



Close fraudulently accessed or opened accounts

Closing these accounts safeguards you from future complications. Speak to the fraud department of each of your creditors to find out how to close any fraudulently accessed accounts.



Change all passwords

Change every password for financial sevices accounts first, beginning with your bank accounts and your accounts with us. Then change any other passwords (for email, for example, or retail accounts) that may have been compromised.



Keep records of everything

Save everything documenting your efforts to repair the damages you incur: emails, letters, records of phone calls and the people you speak to, and the results of any contacts.


  • Additional resources

    • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Visit the FTC online for a variety of information and resources
    • Social Security Administration For information about your Social Security number, how it is used, and how to protect it, visit the Social Security Administration or call 800-269-0271.
    • Mail fraud If you have been a victim of mail fraud, contact the United States Postal Inspection Service.
    • FBI Visit Federal Bureau of Investigation
    • Checks For problems with checks, contact Telecheck online. Or call Domestic: 800-366-2425 or International: 800-526-5380.

  • Additional web sites

    • Identity Theft Resource Center
    • Identity Theft Prevention and Survival
    • Consumer Reports
    • National Fraud Information Center
    • Annual Credit Report Request

    Residents of Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont, are entitled to a free credit report. Wherever you live, you can get a free credit report if you are a victim of identity theft, if you are unemployed, or if you have been turned down for credit or a job because of a negative report. California residents who are identity theft victims are entitled to free monthly reports for one year. (The above is true even if you’ve met the free yearly credit report maximum.)