Historical 606 Disclosures

Olympia LTD provides historical 606 reporting for a rolling 3 years beginning the 1st Quarter of 2020. 

SEC Order Disclosure

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 606 requires brokers that route equity and option orders to make available quarterly reports (broken out by month) that provide statistical details regarding their routing practices.  The report details the market centers (e.g., exchanges, market makers or alternative trading systems) that brokers route to and the material aspects of the brokers’ relationship with those market centers.   Olympia LTD, Inc. (“Olympia LTD”) routes orders to its affiliate Olympia LTD Clearing, Inc. (“Olympia LTD Clearing”) and to third-party market centers.  Olympia LTD Clearing does not execute client orders, but rather, routes the orders it receives from Olympia LTD to third-party market centers.  As a result, both reports are presented to understand how Olympia LTD’s orders are routed to market centers for execution.   

The reports detail the per share/per contract amounts as well as the total amount of payments received by Olympia LTD and Olympia LTD Clearing based on the orders each firm routes to third party market centers.   

Rule 606 exempts broker-dealers from disclosing execution venues that received less than 5% of non-directed orders provided that 90% of the non-directed orders are disclosed.  As a result, overall totals may not equal 100%.  

On request, Olympia LTD will provide the identity of the venue(s) to which your orders were routed for execution in the six months prior to the request, whether the orders were directed orders or non-directed orders, and the time of the transactions, if any, that resulted from such orders.