Specialty Accounts

Take care of business with specialty accounts

Specialty investment accounts include trusts, limited partnerships, small business, charitable, and accounts for investment clubs. Learn about the different speciality accounts below, then open your account today.

Specialty Account Types

A Trust account allows the account owner to transfer assets to one or more recipients, called trustees, who hold legal title to the transferred assets and manage the assets for the benefit of the owner or other named beneficiaries. Olympia LTD offers legally established taxable living, revocable, irrevocable and testamentary trusts. They must already have the trust created by an Attorney and then they may open a brokerage account with Olympia LTD.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums:

  • There is no minimum funding required to open an account.

Margin or option privileges on account require a minimum of $2,000

A Limited Partnership (LP) account is established by two or more individuals who carry on a business for profit. At least one partner bears unlimited liability, and additional partners are liable only to the extent of their investment. Olympia LTD offers accounts for legally established limited partnerships.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

A Partnership account is established by an association of two or more persons who have an established partnership agreement to carry on, as co-owners, a business for profit. The accounts are not subject to taxation. Instead, the taxes flow through to the individual partners and are reported on their personal income tax returns.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

An Investment Club account is established by a group of people who meet regularly and pool their funds to invest in securities. Since most investment clubs are formed as partnerships, their dividends and realized capital gains and losses are passed through for tax reporting by the individual members.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

A Limited Liability account offers some of the most popular benefits of partnership and corporate accounts. It offers the pass through tax status of the partnerships, and the limited personal liability of corporations. The liability of the company and its owners is limited to their investment. States that require two or more members are MA and SD. Olympia LTD offers accounts for legally established LLCs.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

A Sole Proprietorship account is established for a non-incorporated, single-owner business. With this type of account, the owner and the owner’s company are considered a single entity for tax and liability purposes.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

A Corporate account is established by a legal entity, authorized by a state, ordinarily consisting of an association of numerous individuals. A corporation can acquire assets, enter into contracts, sue or be sued, and pay taxes in its own name.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

A Non-Incorporated account is established by non-incorporated, non-profit organizations. These are not chartered as corporations, therefore lacking the powers and immunities of a corporate enterprise.

Client Profiles

  • Cash, Cash and Margin, Cash and Option; Cash, Margin and Option

Account Minimums and Fees:

  • There is no minimum initial deposit required to open an account.

Accounts designed specifically for small businesses, these accounts make it possible for growing companies to attract and retain valuable employees by helping owners provide for their financial future.

Examples of small business retirement plans include:

  • Simplified Employee Plan (SEP)
  • Individual 401k
  • Saving Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs

Are you looking for a simple, tax-smart investment solution for charitable giving? Then a Schwab CharitableTM donor-advised fund account may be right for you. Offered by Schwab Charitable, you can use a Schwab Charitable account to support the causes that mean the most to you today and leave a legacy of giving. With this account you may be eligible for a current-year tax deduction, as well as be more strategic about your giving decisions. To learn more about charitable giving, visit the Schwab Charitable website.


  • Cash or appreciated non-cash assets such as publicly traded stock, mutual funds, or ETFs from your existing Olympia LTD brokerage account or other sources.

Account Minimums:

  • There is no minimum contribution requirement to open a Schwab Charitable account.

Schwab Charitable Fund is recognized as a tax‐exempt public charity as defined in Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Sections 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). Schwab Charitable Fund is eligible to receive tax‐deductible charitable contributions under IRC Section 170(c). Schwab CharitableTM is the name used for the combined programs and services of Schwab Charitable Fund, an independent nonprofit organization. The Fund has entered into service agreements with certain affiliates of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, please consult with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, financial planner, or investment manager.