24/5 Trading

Trade select securities 24 hours a day, 5 days a week

With extended hours overnight trading, you can trade select securities whenever market-moving headlines break—24 hours a day, five days a week (excluding market holidays). We’ve expanded our after-hours lineup to cover more international markets and sectors like tech, so you can access even more of the market around the clock.

More trading hours, more potential market opportunities

With news breaking overnight, today’s highly connected world requires a way to react right when market moving events happen. 24 hour trading isn’t just for derivatives traders anymore, the same functionality is now available on some of our most widely-traded securities.

Trade on your schedule, not the market's

Regular market hours overlap with your busiest hours of the day. Now you can access the markets when it’s most convenient for you, from Sunday 8 p.m. ET to Friday 8 p.m. ET.

Personalized education that grows with you

Explore educational content tailored to you and curated to your skills and interests. Increase your investing knowledge with third-party educational resources like Market Edge and CFRA to help you strategize and plan your next move.

Find out how the 24/5 Trading feature works

  • 24/5 Trading feature is available on our thinkorswim trading platforms.
  • The list of available securities now includes FXI, SPY, EEM, GLD, SLV, DIA, UNG, TLT, IWM, QQQ, USO, SH, RWM, PSQ, AGG, DOG, EWA, EFA, EWJ, IJH, VTI, XLF, XLE, and XLK.
  • These securities were selected to provide access to a wide range of sectors. We are continuing to add additional securities to the list over time to provide broad market opportunities for access to global markets.
  • Extended Hours Overnight (EXTO) orders are 24-hour continuous orders that expire at 8 p.m. ET every day. For example, an EXTO order placed at 2 a.m. ET Monday morning would be active immediately and remain active from then until 8 p.m. ET Monday night. A trade placed at 9 p.m. ET Monday night would be active immediately and remain active until 8 p.m. ET Tuesday night.
  • Trading after normal market hours comes with unique and additional risks, such as lower liquidity and higher price volatility. Your order may only be partially executed, or not at all. Learn more.

Get started now

  • Open an account and select that you plan to actively trade during the sign up process.
  • Log into thinkorswim and select EXTO when placing an after-hours trade.